About the Junkyard Orchestra

Do you or anybody you know play an unusual (or not that unusual) instrument?
Would you be interested in adding your profile to our database that can be accessed by local musicians for recording sessions and collaborations?
We are looking for players of tablas, percussion, fiddles saxophones, piano, lap steel, harmonica, spoons accordions, oboe, banjo, mandolin etc
The list is endless but basically anything except guitar, bass and drums. We're based in Stoke-on-Trent, but we're happy to include musicians from anywhere if you're willing to visit our musical, curious, wonderful corner of the world.
Hopefully this gives people a chance for people to collaborate without charge, but that would be up to you to work out.
The Junkyard Orchestra is the name Tom Waits gives to his collection of unusual instruments, so hey, if it's good enough for Tom Waits, it's good enough for us.

On this site you can browse musicians by instrument or style by using the links on the right.

To contribute your profile, just email editor@localedition.org.uk. Include your name, instruments, location, what you are interested in collaborating on, favourite musicians/influences and the contact details you want listed or Myspace pages (we can forward messages by email if required)

Newest members of the Orchestra:

North Staffs Accordion Club

The North Staffs Accordion Club has been in existence for 21 years. A few friends along with the late George Karklins from Latvia had been going to concerts at Club Accord in Birmingham.

As a result of these visits they decided to form an accordion club in Stoke-on-Trent. And so it was on 28th Jan.1985 that about 50 enthusiasts met from Staffordshire and surrounding area and the club was formed. At the present time we have a steady membership of around 70members.Of these we have about 21 playing members and the remainder are members who like to listen to accordion music.

We meet at the Holditch Miners Welfare Club on the third Tuesday in each month. We alternate between a members night where we have playing circle where we play a library of tunes in the simple key of ''C''. This is done to encourage players of different abilities to play in company without feeling intimidated. Then our chairman invites better players to play music of their own choice. We then reform in the circle and play a couple of rounds of solo tunes of each player's choice.

On the alternate monthly meeting we have a professional entertainer who is doing the rounds of the clubs in the UK. We have had them from in our own country including Scotland and Wales,Russia,Italy etc.We also have an accordion band who play at concerts to raise funds for charity namely Children in Need, The Air Ambulance and a charity based in Derbyshire which helps to bring 12 children from Chernobyl for TLC at a farm and amongst families in the area. It is said that it prolongs their life by about 2yrs. The fund has been able to purchase a blood testing machine and to provide clean needles to give injections as the children suffer from diabetes.

We have a website if anyone cares to take a look at us at www.northstaffsaccordionclub.co.uk

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